Inconel 718 Powder

Inconel 718 is a high strength, corrosion resistant nickel chromium alloy used in powder metallurgy for aerospace and industrial components. Its properties of heat resistance, fatigue strength andoxidation resistance enable demanding applications under extreme environments.

This guide covers Inconel 718 powder compositions, manufacturing methods, required specifications, pricing, applications and supplier comparisons.

Types and Classification of Inconel 718 Powder

Inconel 718 alloy powder categorized by:

Product Forms

  • Pre-alloyed: Prealloyed nickel iron chromium powder
  • Blended elemental: Mix of nickel, chromium, iron powders

Particle Sizes

SizeDescriptionTypical Uses
Fine10 – 45 micronsThin wall structures, small intricacies
Medium45 – 150 micronsMost general use powder size
CoarseUp to 300 micronsHigh deposition rate, large components

Matching particle size ranges to part needs optimizes quality and economics.

Inconel 718 Powder

Nominal Composition

ElementWeight %Role
Nickel (Ni)50 – 55%Corrosion resistance, ductility
Chromium (Cr)17 – 21%Oxidation resistance
Iron (Fe)BalanceCost, tensile properties
Niobium (Nb)4.75 – 5.5%Precipitate strengthening
Molybdenum (Mo)2.8 – 3.3%Creep rupture strength
Titanium (Ti)0.65 – 1.15%Grain boundary strengthening
Aluminum (Al)0.2 – 0.8%Limits low melting phases
Cobalt (Co)1% max
Copper (Cu)0.3% maxLimits embrittlement
Carbon (C)0.08% maxRestricts carbide formation
Manganese (Mn)0.35% max
Silicon (Si)0.35% maxDeoxidizer
Phosphorus (P)0.015% maxImpurity limit
Sulfur (S)0.015% maxImpurity limit

Limits on elemental composition ranges sustain desired mechanical properties. Each alloy addition serves specific metallurgical roles for strength, ductility and corrosion resistance.

Manufacturing Methods

  • Gas Atomization: High pressure water or gas breaks up molten alloy stream into fine droplets creating spherical powders with good flow and packing properties. Nitrogen or argon gas prevents oxidation. Different nozzles generate desired size fractions.
  • Plasma Rotating Electrode Process (PREP): Centrifugal forces from rotating molten alloy subjected to plasma jets break it into droplets which solidify into spherical powders. Achieves small sizes with narrow distribution.
  • Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM): Alloys with high reactivity like IN718 are melted using VIM before atomization to achieve cleanliness and homogeneity.

Controlling process parameters like temperature, atmosphere and cooling rates result in quality powder feedstock for additive manufacturing, thermal spray or metal injection molding.


Inconel 718 powder produced for commercial applications should conform to:

SAE AMS 5662: Composition limits, impurity levels, particle sizes and size distribution, hall flow rates, microstructure

AMS 2241: Heat treatment processing and hardness limits

ASTM B783: Annealing, grain size determination

review statistical batch certification data against these specifications from suppliers before purchase.

Mechanical Properties

Nominal values after heat treatment:

Density (g/cc)
Tensile Strength (MPa)127513101460
Yield Strength (MPa)103511051275
Elongation (%)22%19%15%
Hardness (HRC)32-3636-3936-41

Achieving target properties depends significantly on powder quality and optimized thermal processes like hot isostatic pressing and heat treatment.


  • Aerospace: Engine components – seals, cases, blades, fasteners, gears
  • Industrial Gas Turbines: Rotors, combustors, shafts
  • Oil & Gas: Downhole tools, valves, pumps for corrosive environments
  • Automotive: Turbocharger rotors and impellers
  • Nuclear: Steam generator tubing containing superheated water, fission reactors
  • Defense: Critical battlefield weapon systems exposed to heat, shock

Leverage excellent combination of heat, corrosion resistance and strength for critical equipment applications, especially under thermal cycling stresses over long lifetimes.

Industrial Specifications

AMS 5662Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52.5Ni – 19Cr – 3.0Mo – 5.1 Nb – 0.90Ti – 0.50Al – 18Fe
AMS 5663Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Extrusions 52.5Ni – 19Cr – 3.0Mo – 5.1Nb – 0.90Ti – 0.50Al – 18Fe
AS7263Thermal Treatment 54Ni – 19Cr – 3.0Mo – 5.0 Nb – 0.90 Ti – 0.50 Al – Remainder Fe
ASTM B637Standard Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service
ISO 4967Nickel Alloys – Hot Forged or Hot Rolled Nickel Alloy Parts – Technical Specification

Review certification documents confirming conformity to grade requirements before purchase from new vendors.

Quality Considerations

MetricAcceptable LevelTest Method
Composite Purity>99.9%ASTM E2371
Oxygen(O)<500 ppmInert gas fusion
Moisture(H2O)<300 ppmKarl Fischer Titration
Nitrogen(N)<50 ppmInert gas fusion
Particle ShapeSpherical >80%Microscopy
Particle Size DistributionPer AMS 5662Laser diffraction
Apparent DensityTypically 4.0-4.5 g/ccHall flowmeter
Powder MicrostructureSolution annealed, no carbides/Laves phaseImage analysis

Powder feedstock quality determines integrity of final sintered part properties.

Price Range

GradeParticle SizePrice per kg
Inconel 71810 – 45 μm$75 – $125
Inconel 718150 – 300 μm$45 – $95
Research grade1 – 10 μm$250+

Pricing varies based on order volumes, powder specification and geographic region. Get latest quote from shortlisted suppliers against target application needs.

Buying Criteria

Quality CertificationsHigh
Sampling SupportHigh
Technical ExpertiseMedium
Customer ReferencesMedium
Inconel 718 Powder


Q: What is the difference between Inconel 625 vs 718 alloy powder?

A: IN625 offers better weldability and corrosion resistance but lower temperature strength than IN718 which has higher tensile properties from heat treatment strengthening response.

Q: Does Inconel 718 powder require special storage?

A: Keep sealed below 10°C with dessicants to prevent moisture ingress. Limit oxygen exposure through unopened containers. Discard if oxidation like color change observed.

Q: What powder size is best for laser powder bed fusion?

A: 15-45 micron Inconel 718 powders spread smoothly and pack densely enabling good laser melting with minimal porosity and overflow issues for optimal part properties.

Q: What are common nickel alloy blends using Inconel 718 powder?

A: IN718 is sometimes blended with Inconel 625, stainless steels like 316L or cobalt alloys to tailor corrosion or wear properties at lower costs than pure IN718 powder.

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