Triballoy Series Spherical Cobalt-Based Alloy Powder

Tribaloy series alloy is a family of cobalt-based alloys known for their excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance, particularly in high temperature. These alloys are often used in applications where metal-to-metal wear, galling and seizing are concerns.

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제품 설명

Tribaloy series alloy is a family of cobalt-based alloys known for their excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance, particularly in high temperature. These alloys are often used in applications where metal-to-metal wear, galling and seizing are concerns.

Stellite alloys typically contain significant amounts of chromium and molybdenum which forms hard intermetallic phases (Laves) dispersed in a softer matrix of eutectic or solid solution that contribute to their wear resistance properties. Below photo showed the typical microstructure of Tribaloy T400 (white Laves phase dispersed in matrix).

Triballoy series spherical cobalt based alloy powder

Below Table showed chemical composition of our common Tribaloy series powders.

Truer spherical Tribaloy powders can be produced by Gas atomizing process and PREP process which commonly used in additive manufacturing (3D printing), thermal spray coatings, and hardfacing processes depending on its particle size distribution.

We can provide different particle size according to customer’s application, such as 0-45um, 0-53um,15-45um, 15-53um, 45-105um, 53-150um or customized.

화학 성분:

Triballoy powder

SEM Photo:

triballoy powders

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EBM 기술

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