0 Pure Iron powder
Pure Iron powder is versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, such as PM area (powder metallurgy press powder) produced by water atomizing process, additive manufacturing application produced by PREP (plasma rotating electrode process), and magnetic area produced by Carbonyl method.
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0 Pure Iron powder is versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, such as PM area (powder metallurgy press powder) produced by water atomizing process, additive manufacturing application produced by PREP (plasma rotating electrode process), and magnetic area produced by Carbonyl method.
Truer F0000-P series of pure Fe powder 를 사용하여 purity >99.99% is produced by PREP process. It has high purity (99.9%) with minimal impurities. Its particle size can be customized by the specification of customers. Normally our common particle sizes include PSD 15-53um, 45-105um, 53-150um with spherical shape.
Truer F0000-C series of pure Fe powder 를 사용하여 purity >99.5% is produced by Carbonyl method which can be coated or non-coated. Its particle size can be customized by the specification of customers. Normally our common particle sizes include D50 from 1um to 10um with spherical shape.
Truer F0000-W series of pure Fe powder is produced by water atomizing process. Its particle size can be sieved by the specification of customers (normally can be sieved into different range from 0-200um). Water atomized Fe powders can be added with some carbon, chromium, molybdenum, copper and also some lubricants into RTP powder (ready to press). They will involve different grade, such as SMF5030, F0005, LAP100.29 etc.
SEM Photo of Pure Iron Powder:
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HIP 기술
열간 등방성 프레스(HIP) 기술은 제품을 밀폐된 용기에 넣고 불활성 가스로 채운 후 매우 높은 온도(일반적으로 재료의 단조 온도에 근접)와 매우 높은 압력(일반적으로 100~140MPa)에서 제품을 소결 또는 치밀화하는 방식으로 작동합니다. 이를 통해 제품을 소결 또는 치밀화할 수 있습니다.
SLM 기술
선택적 레이저 용융이라고도 하는 SLM은 레이저를 사용하여 특정 영역의 금속 분말을 녹이고 응고시킨 다음 층별로 쌓아 성형한다는 점에서 SLS와 원리가 유사합니다.
EBM 기술
전자빔 용융은 고속 전자빔 스트림의 운동 에너지가 고진공 상태에서 금속을 용융하는 열원으로 열로 변환되는 진공 용융 방법을 말합니다. 약어는 EBM입니다.
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여기에서는 40가지 이상의 고품질 분말을 제공합니다.
3D 프린팅
SEBM&PREP 기술 및 장비.
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- 칭푸구, 상하이, 중국
- +86 -15250232891
- [email protected]