MIM Technology
Metal Injection Moulding technology(MIM) is a technology that combines powder metallurgy and injection moulding to break through the shape and strength limitations of traditional powder metallurgy, the strength limitations of die casting, the material flow limitations of press moulding, the mass production limitations of precision casting and the high-cost limitations of turned parts.
What is MIM Technology
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) uses fine metal powder and binder to mix with a mixing machine to obtain a malleable mixture, which is then injected into the blanks through an injection molding machine and then partially degreased or vacuum degreased and sintered into rough blanks. MIM parts have the advantages of complexity, small parts, internal homogeneity of the material, high mechanical strength, and thin walls.

MIM Technology Process Principle
MIM products can be complex in shape, precise in size, high in strength, and produced automatically in large quantities, and can significantly reduce the complexity and cost of traditional metalworking. Small mechanical parts with complex shapes, high precision and high-performance materials such as 3C electronics, hand tools, remote control cars, locks, automobiles, watches and clocks, optoelectronics, weapons, biomedical and other products can be highly utilized and therefore metal injection molding is an essential choice for the development of your finished products.
Technical Advantages
(1) Complex shaped parts can be formed in a single pass, reducing the cost of secondary processing.
(2) Excellent surface roughness for applications such as watches and decorative items where appearance is important.
(3) Better mechanical properties than conventional powder metallurgy products.
(4) High density, easy to the plating.
(5) Efficient mass production of parts with multiple cavities in one mold.
(6) Almost any metal material that can be made into a fine powder can be used in the MIM process.