titanium am powders

Titanium additive manufacturing (AM) powders enable 3D printing of strong, lightweight titanium components across aerospace, medical, and automotive sectors. This guide covers Ti AM powder compositions, characteristics, atomization production methods, applications, specifications, pricing, and comparisons.

Overview of Titanium AM Powders

Titanium AM powders refer to fine titanium particles specially optimized for additive manufacturing processes like laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and direct energy deposition (DED).

With high purity (>99% Ti), controlled particle size distribution, and good flow characteristics, titanium AM powders are precursor feedstock materials that are spread in thin layers, selectively melted by lasers layer-by-layer, and solidified into near-net shape 3D printed parts.

Key properties making titanium attractive for AM:

  • High strength-to-weight ratio
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Biocompatibility and non-toxicity
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures
  • Customized geometries possible
  • Cost savings from design flexibility
  • Buy-to-fly ratio improvements

AM expands titanium applications beyond forgings and castings across aerospace, medical, marine, and chemical process industry verticals.

titanium am powders

Compositions of Titanium AM Powder Variants

The common titanium AM powder variants by chemistry include:

Table 1: Main compositions of titanium AM powders

Ti 6Al 4V ELI6% Al, 4% V, 0.08% max OMost widely used titanium alloy
Ti 6Al 4V6% Al, 4% V, 0.2%max OAerospace extrusions alloy
Pure titanium99.7% Ti, 0.10%max OHigh chemical resistance suitable for implants
Ti 55535% Al, 5% Mo, 4% VHigher strength
Ti 646% Al, 4% VHeat treatable, used in jet engines

Besides oxygen, other trace impurities like Fe, C, N and H are minimized. The alloys offer strength and temperature resistance while pure titanium provides biocompatibility.

Special alloys like Ti 5553 and Ti 64 suit niche applications in space and defense sectors needing capability enhancements.

Production Methods for Titanium AM Powder

Gas atomization is the predominant commercial scale process used to produce spherical titanium powders suited for AM processes:

Table 2: Overview of titanium AM powder production via gas atomization

Feedstock meltingTitanium ingots/scarp melted using plasma arc in protective argon
Melt pouringMolten metal stream poured into atomizer nozzle
Gas atomizationHigh velocity inert argon jets disintegrate molten stream into fine droplets
Powder collectionSpherical particles solidify and collected in chamber
SievingSpecific particle size distributions separated using vibrating screens

Atomization with argon instead of nitrogen minimizes powder contamination. The inert gas also prevents pyrophoric risks allowing safer powder handling.

Specialized systems enhance the number of <100 micron fines produced to increase AM process productivity through enhanced powder bed packing and layer resolution.

Key Properties and Characteristics

Salient characteristics of titanium AM powders are:

Table 3: Typical properties exhibited by titanium AM powders

Purity>99% titanium content
Impurities<1000 ppm oxygen preferred
Particle shapePredominantly spherical
Particle size15-45 microns common
Flow rate28-35 s/50g Hall flowmeter rate aids printability
Tap density≥2.5 g/cc improves bed packing
Hausner ratio<1.25 ensures good powder flow
Apparent densityDensity range narrow distribution <5% for consistency

Besides chemical composition, particle characteristics like consistent spherical morphology, smooth size distribution, powder flow rates, and density determine adoption rates for precise AM printing.

Meeting application needs related to biocompatibility, surface finishing, modulus ranges, hardness, and dynamic load bearing capacity depends on amenable powder quality.

Applications and Uses of Titanium AM Powder

Complex, lightweight printed parts made using titanium AM powders serve critical application areas like:

Table 4: Major application areas for titanium AM powder

AerospaceTurbine blades, impellers, airframe and engine parts
MedicalOrthopedic and dental implants, prosthetics, surgical instruments
AutomotiveConnecting rods, valves, gearbox components
ChemicalColumns, catalyzer housings, corrosion resistant vessels
Oil and gasSaltwater piping/pumps housings, subsea components
DefenseCombat vehicle spares like helicopter spindles printed onsite

Benefits over traditional titanium machining – reduced lead times from rapid prototyping, ability to create complex hollow or bionic shapes through topology optimization, less wastage with no subtractive processes needed.

Specification Standards for Titanium AM Powders

Globally accepted specifications that qualify titanium AM powder batches include:

Table 5: Major specification standards followed by titanium AM powders

StandardMeasurement Aspect and Acceptance Criteria
ASTM F3049Defines AM powder attributes tested via methods like laser diffraction, SEM, flowability, and composition analysis
ASTM B809Outlines sieve analysis methodology for determining particle size distribution
ISO 13879-1Specifies reversible permeability (Hausner) test procedure
ASM F3301Standard for additive manufacturing titanium alloys like Eli grade compositions
AMS 7008Aerospace materials specification covering gas atomized titanium alloy powder types

These standards guide appropriate test methods, equipment calibration, measurement procedures, sampling plans and compliance criteria to characterize each powder lot.

Global Suppliers and Pricing

As titanium AM is still an emerging market, powder costs between $70 to $270 per kg based on:

Table 6: Key determinants of titanium AM powder pricing

ParameterPrice Trend
CompositionTi 6 4 Eli grade most expensive
Production methodGas atomized costs more than plasma atomized
Sphericity consistencyHigher circularity distribution control adds cost
Particle size distributionTighter distribution tolerance premium
Purity levelsLower oxygen and nitrogen impurities raise price
Order quantityMedium to high volumes warrant discounts

Table 7: Major global titanium AM powder suppliers and price ranges

CompanyGradesPrice range
AP&CTi 6 4, Ti 6 4 Eli$100-270/kg
TeknaTi 6 4, Ti 6 4 Eli$150-250/kg
Carpenter TechnologiesTi 6 4 Eli, Pure Ti grades$80-220/kg
VSMPOTi 6 4, Ti 6 Al 4 Vanadium$75-180/kg
ATI Powder MetalsTi 6 4 Eli, Ti Al Mo alloys$90-240/kg

Prices depend on extent of buyer qualification trials, distribution channel markups and availability of suitable atomization capacity.

Comparative Pros and Cons of Titanium vs Alternate AM Powders

Table 8: Comparison between titanium and other metal AM powders

ParameterTitaniumStainless steelsAluminum alloysInconel
Density4.5 g/cc7.9 g/cc2.7 g/cc8.4 g/cc
StrengthHigh strength + stiffness combinationStrongerMedium strengthStrongest
Thermal propertiesLow conductivityResists higher tempsHigh conductivityHighest temp resistance
Chemical resistanceExcellent – including saltwaterProne to some acids/chloridesDegrades with salt exposureBest corrosion resistance
MagneticNon-magneticFerritic grades are magneticNon-magneticSlightly magnetic
Print complexityModerate; some support strategies neededHigh complexity achievedTricky overhangs and bridgesHighly complex shapes printable

For applications needing biocompatibility along with high hardened strength like dental implants and prosthetics, titanium AM powders provide tailored solutions. Stainless steels suit high temperature steam turbomachinery components better thermally. Inconel serves niche corrosion resistance needs.

titanium am powders


Q: How is pricing and availability for titanium AM powder expected to change in the near future?

As more gas atomization capacity expands over the next decade to meet growth in AM part production, higher competition will improve titanium AM powder pricing and availability dynamics, making it more affordable. Machine price reductions will also catalyze AM adoption.

Q: What post-processing steps are commonly needed on as-printed AM titanium parts?

Post-processing includes – support removal via machining/blasting, surface treatment through abrasive tumbling or glass bead peening to relieve stresses and ensure finish requirements. Optional – Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) to further densify complex internal structures in critical components.

Q: How to avoid contamination when handling reactive titanium AM powder?

Use inert gas gloves to prevent contact with skin oils etc. Have dedicated sieves for titanium not used for steels. Store in original inert sealed containers. Limit exposure to room atmosphere. Prioritize processing over long term storage.

Q: What AM printing parameters typically need adjusting when changing titanium powder size or alloy?

Matching powder layer thickness relative to laser spot size affects optimal energy input. Transitioning between Ti 6 4 and 6 4 ELI affects thermal profiles. Larger powder sizes improve build speeds but reduce resolution – parameter tuning helps ensure part quality.

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