Introduction to Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder refers to a titanium aluminide alloy composition containing 48% titanium, 2% aluminum, 2% chromium, and 2% niobium in powder form. This advanced intermetallic alloy exhibits an excellent combination of strength, creep resistance, and oxidation resistance at high temperatures.

This guide provides a technical overview of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder including production methods, key properties, applications, specifications, usage considerations, and supplier landscape. It serves as a reference for engineers, product designers, and technical professionals exploring use of this alloy powder.

Introduction to Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb belongs to a class of titanium aluminide alloys based on the gamma-TiAl intermetallic compound. The balanced composition provides:

  • High strength-to-weight ratio
  • Retained mechanical properties at elevated temperatures
  • Oxidation resistance up to 750°C
  • Low density compared to nickel alloys

Converting the alloy into fine spherical powder form enables advanced manufacturing techniques and production of complex net-shape components with high reproducibility.

Key attributes of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder include:

  • Excellent fluidity and pack density for powder processing
  • Ability to manufacture full-density parts
  • Near-net-shape production to minimize machining
  • Components with low porosity and high integrity
  • Consistent quality and performance in finished parts
Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder Production Methods

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb is produced via advanced powder manufacturing technologies:

  • Gas Atomization – High pressure inert gas used to atomize molten alloy into uniform droplets that solidify into spherical powder. This is the primary production method used.
  • Plasma Atomization – Very high energy plasma torch melts and atomizes the alloy into fine powders with a clean internal structure.
  • Mechanical Alloying – Ball milling elemental metal powders together to synthesize alloyed powders through repeated welding, fracturing, and rewelding of powder particles.

Gas atomization allows high volume production of spherical Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder with customizable particle size distribution ideal for industrial use.

Properties of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

The balanced composition provides an optimal combination of strength, creep resistance, hardness, and oxidation resistance for high temperature applications up to 750°C:

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder Properties

Density3.7 g/cm3
Melting Point1460°C
Strength500 MPa at 700°C
Elastic Modulus150 – 180 GPa
Elongation1 – 2%
Hardness350 HV
Oxidation ResistanceExcellent up to 750°C

The properties make it suitable for lightweight aerospace components operating at high stresses and temperatures exceeding the limits of stainless steels and nickel alloys.

Applications of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Key application areas taking advantage of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb’s high temperature capabilities and processability as powder include:

  • Aerospace – Turbine blades, exhaust components, structural parts
  • Automotive – Turbocharger wheels, valves, connectors
  • Industrial Gas Turbines – Combustors, nozzles, rotors
  • Petrochemical – valves, fittings, fasteners

Manufacturing techniques enabled by the alloy powder include:

  • Additive Manufacturing (AM) – Selective laser melting and electron beam melting
  • Metal Injection Molding (MIM)
  • Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
  • Laser cladding for coatings and repair

The combination of alloy properties and manufacturing flexibility allows innovative designs not possible with wrought equivalents.

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder Specifications

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder is characterized by composition, particle size distribution, morphology, apparent density, flowability, and microstructure:

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder Specifications

ParameterTypical Value
Particle Size10 – 45 μm
Particle ShapeSpherical
Size DistributionD10, D50, D90
Oxygen Content< 500 ppm
Nitrogen Content< 100 ppm
Apparent Density> 2.5 g/cm3
Tap Density> 75% solid density
Flow Rate> 25 s/50 g
CompositionTi 48%, Al 2%, Cr 2%, Nb 2%

These powder characteristics directly influence manufacturing process parameters, part quality, and properties of finished components.

Particle Size Distribution

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder is classified by particle size into different grades suitable for various manufacturing techniques:

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder Grades by Particle Size

GradeParticle Size RangeTypical Process
Fine15-25 μmAM, MIM
Medium25-45 μmAM, HIP
Coarse45-75 μmLaser cladding
  • Finer powders provide higher resolution and surface finish
  • Coarser powders have better flow and reduced dusting

Particles size is controlled during inert gas atomization and classified by sieving. Different size distributions are available.

How to Select Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Key considerations when selecting Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder include:

  • Application – Operating conditions, performance requirements
  • Process Compatibility – Particle size, morphology, powder behavior
  • Material Properties – Purity, microstructure, density
  • Quality Standards – Consistency, certification, sampling
  • Lead Time and Availability – Stock vs custom production
  • Price – Quantity required, grade, additional testing
  • Supplier Capabilities – Range of alloys/sizes, expertise

Early engagement with powder producers is recommended to ensure an optimal match between material, process, and component performance.

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Working with Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder requires special handling considerations:

  • An inert argon atmosphere is recommended to prevent oxidation
  • Ensure proper ventilation and dust collection
  • Use conductive containers and tools to avoid sparks
  • Ground all equipment to dissipate static charges
  • Protect powder from moisture to prevent hydrogen absorption
  • Personal protective equipment like gloves, respirators, and protective clothing should be worn

Carefully follow all safety precautions from the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Cost Analysis of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

As an advanced alloy, Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder is more expensive than common alloys:

  • Price ranges from $80 – $120 per kg currently
  • Lower cost compared to competitive titanium aluminide and nickel alloys
  • Fine grades cost more than coarse grades
  • Prices decline at order volumes above 1000 kg
  • Subject to supply and demand fluctuations
  • Requires high powder utilization to justify cost

Pricing also depends on order quantity, size distribution, powder quality and characteristics, sampling/testing requirements, and delivery terms.

Suppliers of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Leading global suppliers of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder include:

  • AP&C (Canada)
  • Sandvik Osprey (UK)
  • TLS Technik (Germany)
  • CNPC Powder Group (China)
  • AMG Superalloys (US)

These companies offer gas atomized Ti48Al2Cr2Nb conforming to ASTM B849 composition standards in various particle size distributions. Both stock and custom orders are available.

Carefully evaluate capabilities, experience, testing, quality systems, and customer service when selecting a supplier.

Future Outlook for Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

Emerging trends in Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder technology include:

  • Broader adoption in aerospace engines and airframes to reduce weight
  • New alloy modifications to push operating temperatures higher
  • Automated powder handling and quality control measures
  • Design optimization combining AM with traditional methods
  • Usage in harsh oil and gas environments
  • Applications in nuclear energy systems

Advances will expand the possibility spaces for titanium aluminide alloy powders in extreme temperature and lightweight applications.

Key Takeaways on Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder

  • Intermetallic alloy with excellent strength and oxidation resistance to 750°C
  • Produced via inert gas atomization into fine spherical powder
  • Low density compared to competing superalloys
  • Used primarily in aerospace and automotive turbines and hot components
  • Powder enables advanced manufacturing techniques and complex geometries
  • Particle size distribution must be selected for process compatibility
  • Requires controlled handling and inert atmosphere
  • More expensive than common alloy powders but lower cost than alternatives
  • Leading global suppliers can provide various size grades

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder delivers an exceptional combination of temperature capability, process flexibility through powder production, and lightweight strength. Continued adoption will support higher performing and efficient engine designs.

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb Powder


Q: What is Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder used for?

A: Primarily used in aerospace and automotive turbine components like blades, wheels, and nozzles owing to its high strength and creep resistance at temperatures up to 750°C.

Q: What manufacturing processes use this powder?

A: Mainly additive manufacturing and metal injection molding. Also used in laser cladding and hot isostatic pressing.

Q: What are the main advantages of this alloy powder?

A: High temperature capability exceeding stainless steel and nickel alloys, low density, good oxidation resistance, and ability to produce complex net-shape parts.

Q: How is Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder made?

A: Mainly gas atomization where high pressure inert gas forms small molten droplets that solidify into spherical particles ideal for powder processing.

Q: What particle size is recommended for additive manufacturing?

A: A fine particle size from 15-25 microns is typically used for AM to achieve good resolution, surfaces, and material properties.

Q: Is Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder expensive?

A: Yes, it is more costly than common alloy powders but lower priced than competing nickel superalloys used in the same applications.

Q: What health and safety risks does it pose?

A: Fine reactive powder requires controlled inert atmosphere handling as well as respiratory and fire/explosion prevention measures per the SDS.

Q: What standards does this powder conform to?

A: ASTM B849 governs the chemical composition. Additional ASTM and MPIF standards cover powder characteristics and testing procedures.

Q: Where is Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder available?

A: Leading global suppliers include AP&C, Sandvik Osprey, TLS Technik, CNPC, and AMG Superalloys able to supply various qualified grades.

Q: Is Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder used for biomedical implants?

A: No, titanium grade 5 and 23 powders are more suitable for biocompatible implants. This alloy is optimized for high temperature mechanical properties.

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