A100 Steel Alloy Powder

A100 steel alloy powder refers to a martensitic precipitation-hardening stainless steel powder used in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing processes like selective laser sintering (SLS) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS).

With high strength, hardness and corrosion resistance, A100 alloy powder enables printing durable end-use components for demanding applications. Optimized particle size distributions, spherical morphology and controlled microstructures provide reliable processing and mechanical performance.

This guide covers A100 powder composition, properties, applications, specifications, printing parameters, suppliers, comparisons, and FAQs to consider when adopting A100 for production or prototyping needs.

A100 Steel Alloy Powder

Composition of A100 Steel Alloy Powder

As a precipitation-hardening martensitic stainless steel, A100 contains:

ElementWeight %Role
Iron (Fe)BalanceBase metal
Chromium (Cr)13-15%Corrosion resistance
Nickel (Ni)4-5%Toughening
Molybdenum (Mo)1-2%Strength, hardenability
Copper (Cu)3-5%Precipitation hardening
Niobium (Nb)0.15-0.45%Grain refinement, precipitation hardening

Trace elemental limits control cleanliness while the nickel and copper enable heat treating to achieve high hardness levels after processing.

Key Properties and Characteristics

In addition to composition, A100 exhibits:

Density7.7 g/cm3
Particle size distribution15-53 microns
Apparent density>4.0 g/cm3
Hall flow rate<30 s/50 g
Melting point1390-1440°C
Tensile strength1150 MPa
Elongation at break7%
Hardness>50 HRC
Corrosion ResistanceHigh – PREN 35-38

The powder characteristics ensure printability while the mechanical performance supports functional components able to withstand substantial stresses.

Applications of A100 Steel Powder

As a high strength tool steel alloy powder resistant to wear, heat and corrosion, A100 suits:

IndustryApplication Examples
AerospaceTurbine blades, landing gear components
AutomotiveCutting tools, high wear tooling, turbocharger parts
Oil and gasValve components and bodies, wellhead parts
IndustrialExtrusion tooling, injection molding components
GeneralHigh hardness bushings/bearings, shafts, marine hardware

The balanced properties make A100 a versatile high-performance material for metal additive manufacturing across sectors.

A100 Steel Powder Specifications

Industry standards continue to evolve, but current nominal specifications include:

ParameterSpecificationTest Method
Particle size distribution15-53 micronsISO 13320/ASTM B822
Apparent density≥ 4.0 g/cm3ISO 3923/ASTM B212
Flow rate≤ 30 s/50 gISO 4490/ASTM B213
Oxygen content≤ 0.3%Inert gas fusion analysis
Nitrogen content≤ 0.1%Inert gas fusion analysis
Carbon content≤ 0.1%Combustion analysis
MicrostructureMartensiticOptical microscopy
Prior particle process historyVirgin plasma atomizedCertification

Chemistry, cleanliness, particle characteristics and microstructure all align to enable high density printing with good flow and spreadability.

Printing Parameters for A100 Powder

Typical laser powder bed fusion processing windows for A100 include:

Layer thickness20-50 μm
Laser power195-500 W
Scan speed600-1250 mm/s
Hatch spacing80-160 μm
Bed temperature80-150°C

Part properties depend heavily on optimized energy density and surrounding microclimate during printing. Post-processing like hot isostatic pressing (HIP) can further reduce internal stresses and defects while heat treating maximizes hardness, strength and ductility.

A100 Powder Suppliers

As a widely adopted high-performance printable stainless steel, various reputable suppliers offer A100 powder:

Sandvik OspreyLeading producer of stainless steel alloys for AM$$$/kg
Carpenter AdditiveProducer of custom alloys and materials$$$/kg
HöganäsMajor global supplier of industrial metal powders$$/kg
PraxairReliable supplier for industrial gases and materials$$/kg
LPW TechnologySpecialist in high end metal alloy AM powders$$$/kg

Price ultimately depends on order volumes, lead times, additional screening/blending, and bulk discounts.

Tradeoffs When Considering A100 Powder


  • High hardness/wear performance from precipitation strengthening
  • Withstand heavy loads without distortion
  • Thermal and corrosion resistance for harsh environments
  • Mechanically robust from fine martensitic structure
  • Qualified input material with uniform characteristics


  • Requires stress relief and hot isostatic pressing (HIP)
  • Brittle compared to annealed materials without post-processing
  • Challenging to conventionally machine in fully hardened state
  • Costs more than standard alloys like 316L stainless
  • Special handling given limited reusability

For extreme durability without fragility, A100 warrants consideration where applications demand the balanced capabilities.

A100 Steel Alloy Powder

Frequently Asked Questions

What particle size range does A100 powder normally come in?

A100 is generally supplied in the 15-53 micron range to support crisp feature resolution in powder bed systems while ensuring spreadability. Particle optimization continues to push size ranges finer and tighter.

Does A100 powder require special storage or handling precautions?

Like most reactive alloy powders, A100 requires moisture-free handling in sealed argon filled containers to prevent oxidation. Storage areas should be cool, dry, and standardized for metal powders. Personal protective equipment like masks and gloves are mandatory as well.

Can you heat treat or machine A100 components after printing?

Yes, aging heat treatments can further enhance hardness and strength. However, in the precipitation hardened state, A100 is extremely difficult to conventionally machine so allowance should be made for this if combining additive and subtractive processes.

What causes cracking or internal defects when printing with A100?

Too high cooling rate, lack of appropriate thermal supports, and uncontrolled residual stresses from overly intense scanning strategies that create too steep thermal gradients in the powder bed as it solidifies. Optimizing parameters help avoid these root causes.

How should failed A100 prints be recycled?

Filter and sieve non-sintered A100 powder to remove large contaminates or spatter after print failures. Test flow rates and chemistry to ensure properties remain consistent before blending back into fresh powder at less than 30% contamination ratios.

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