
If you’re diving into the world of metal powders, chances are you’ve come across MnS powder. Short for Manganese Sulfide powder, it has a vast range of applications across multiple industries. This article covers everything you need to know about MnS powder, including its characteristics, models, applications, advantages, and more.

Overview of MnS Powder

Manganese Sulfide (MnS) powder is a compound used primarily in metallurgy, specifically in steel production. It is commonly included to improve machinability, as it forms tiny inclusions that act as chip breakers during the machining process. However, its uses extend beyond steelmaking and into various other industries such as electronics and chemical manufacturing.

In this guide, we’ll explore not just the fundamentals but also provide detailed insights into the different models of MnS powder, its composition, characteristics, and how it compares to other similar materials.


Composition and Characteristics of MnS Powder

MnS powder primarily consists of Manganese (Mn) and Sulfur (S), with trace elements depending on its specific grade. Its key characteristics include its ability to form inclusions that make machining easier, as well as high resistance to wear, corrosion, and temperature.

ZusammensetzungTypischer Bereich
Mangan (Mn)62% – 65%
Schwefel (S)30% – 33%
Trace Elements (O, H, N)Bis zu 1%

The high levels of manganese in the powder improve both strength and durability, while sulfur contributes to the machinability factor.

Models of MnS-Pulver

There are various types of MnS powder available in the market. Here are 10 specific models commonly used in industries, each with its unique features and applications.

  1. MnS-65
  • Zusammensetzung: 65% Manganese, 33% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: Primarily used in high-performance steel alloys.
  • Merkmale: Enhanced machinability, reduced tool wear.
  1. MnS-62
  • Zusammensetzung: 62% Manganese, 30% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: Ideal for stainless steel production.
  • Merkmale: High corrosion resistance, suitable for acidic environments.
  1. MnS-60H
  • Zusammensetzung: 60% Manganese, 31% Sulfur, 1% Trace Elements
  • Verwenden Sie: Heat-resistant steels.
  • Merkmale: Suitable for applications involving high temperatures.
  1. MnS-58
  • Zusammensetzung: 58% Manganese, 30% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: Common in carbon steel production.
  • Merkmale: Good for general-purpose machining.
  1. MnS-High Purity
  • Zusammensetzung: 99.9% pure MnS
  • Verwenden Sie: High-end electronics and semiconductors.
  • Merkmale: Ultra-low impurity levels, used for sensitive electrical components.
  1. MnS-72
  • Zusammensetzung: 72% Manganese, 27% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: Aerospace industry.
  • Merkmale: Lightweight, high strength.
  1. MnS-65T
  • Zusammensetzung: 65% Manganese, 33% Sulfur, 2% Titanium
  • Verwenden Sie: Specialty steels for tools.
  • Merkmale: Titanium addition improves toughness.
  1. MnS-70
  • Zusammensetzung: 70% Manganese, 28% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: High-strength low-alloy steels.
  • Merkmale: Good mechanical strength and toughness.
  1. MnS-Low Sulfur
  • Zusammensetzung: 60% Manganese, 20% Sulfur
  • Verwenden Sie: Applications requiring minimal sulfur content.
  • Merkmale: Reduced brittleness, better ductility.
  1. MnS-Nano
    • Zusammensetzung: Nanostructured MnS particles
    • Verwenden Sie: Cutting-edge electronics and nano-applications.
    • Merkmale: Ultra-fine particles for precision use.

Applications of MnS Powder

MnS powder is highly versatile and used across multiple industries. From improving machinability in steel to functioning as an important component in electronics, its utility knows no bounds.

MetallurgieUsed to improve machinability in steel and other alloys.
ElektronikUsed in the manufacture of semiconductors and sensors.
Luft- und RaumfahrtUsed in high-strength alloys for aircraft components.
Chemical ManufacturingActs as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.
AutomobilindustrieIncluded in the production of gears, axles, and engine parts for enhanced machinability.

In metallurgy, MnS powder plays a vital role in producing steels that are easier to cut and form, reducing tool wear and increasing production efficiency. In electronics, its ultra-fine grades are used in manufacturing high-precision components such as sensors and semiconductors.

Advantages of MnS Powder

Let’s dive into the primary benefits of MnS powder, especially when compared to other materials.

  1. Improved Machinability
    MnS forms inclusions in the metal that break the chips during machining, leading to faster production times and less tool wear. Compared to materials without MnS, the difference in machinability is striking.
  2. Verbesserte Korrosionsbeständigkeit
    Sulfur in MnS helps improve the corrosion resistance of the final product, making it ideal for harsh environments. This sets MnS apart from other alloying materials that may not provide the same level of protection against corrosion.
  3. Temperaturbeständigkeit
    Certain models of MnS powder are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for heat-resistant steels. This gives it an edge over many other alloying powders.
  4. Kosteneffizienz
    Due to its properties, MnS reduces the cost of production by speeding up machining and reducing tool wear, which means fewer replacements and less downtime.
Enhanced machinabilityIncreased sulfur content may reduce ductility
KorrosionsbeständigkeitInclusions may lead to reduced tensile strength in some cases
TemperaturbeständigkeitNot suitable for ultra-high strength applications
KostengünstigRequires careful handling in high purity forms

Spezifikationen, Größen, Güteklassen und Normen

When choosing MnS powder, it’s crucial to pay attention to the specifications, sizes, and standards that apply to your specific industry. Below are some of the common grades and standards for MnS powder.

KlasseManganese ContentSulfur ContentPartikelgrößeStandard
MnS-6565%33%10-20 micronsASTM A581
MnS-6262%30%5-15 MikrometerISO 9001
MnS-7272%27%2-10 micronsJIS G3321
MnS-High Purity99.9%0.01%1-5 micronsEN 10204

Particle size and composition will vary depending on the application, but most MnS powders follow industry-specific standards like ASTM and ISO.

Suppliers and Pricing of MnS Powder

Finding the right supplier for MnS powder is important, as it ensures consistent quality and availability. Prices for MnS powder vary based on purity, particle size, and grade. Here’s a breakdown of popular suppliers and their pricing.

AnbieterModellPreis pro kgShipping
Powder Tech SolutionsMnS-65$20/kgFree over 50kg orders
MetalCorpMnS-High Purity$50/kg$100 flat fee
Industrial Powders Co.MnS-72$25/kg$150 worldwide
Global Powders Inc.MnS-Low Sulfur$18/kgFree over 100kg orders

It’s essential to factor in shipping fees, especially if sourcing from international suppliers, as these can significantly increase overall costs.



What is the primary use of MnS powder?MnS powder is primarily used to improve machinability in steel and other metal alloys.
How does MnS powder improve machinability?MnS forms inclusions that break chips during machining, reducing tool wear and speeding up production.
Can MnS powder be used in electronics?Yes, high-purity forms of MnS powder are used in electronics for components like semiconductors and sensors.
What are the drawbacks of using MnS powder in steel production? While MnS improves machinability, it can reduce ductility and tensile strength in certain applications.
How much does MnS powder cost?Prices vary depending on grade and purity, typically ranging from $18 to $50 per kilogram.


MnS powder is an essential material in a wide variety of industries, from metallurgy to electronics. Its ability to improve machinability, corrosion resistance, and temperature resistance makes it highly valuable, especially when producing high-performance steels. Understanding the different grades, characteristics, and applications of MnS powder can help you make informed decisions about its use in your industry.

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